
Housing Alexandria’s Shared Equity Homeownership program

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Housing Alexandria Homeownership Program

Thank you for your interest in Housing Alexandria’s Homeownership Program. All homes sold through our program are ‘Shared Equity’ homes. Shared Equity homes are a unique type of homeownership that offers affordable homeownership opportunities to buyers today while maintaining affordability for buyers in the future.  

In a nutshell, Housing Alexandria invests money into homes throughout Alexandria. That money acts as a down payment, making the properties more affordable. In exchange for the opportunity to purchase a high-quality home at a deep discount, buyers agree to share in the appreciated value of their home to ensure it remains affordable in the future. Resale restrictions and a resale formula, which are enforced by a legal agreement signed at purchase, allow buyers to receive a modest return on their investment while ensuring the opportunity to purchase is available for similar buyers in the future.  

Housing Alexandria is currently building 36 homes on Seminary Road that will be sold to eligible buyers in 2025. Click here to learn more about that development. 

All interested buyers will have to complete the following requirements to be eligible to purchase a home through Housing Alexandria’s program: 

For more information about our program, review our program guide: 

For more information on our home-buying process, please review the following documents: 

For more information on Virginia Housing lenders and housing counselors: 

Click here to learn more about the City of Alexandria’s Homeownership Resources. 

Add your name to our "Interested Homebuyer" mailing list.


Send us an email with your homeownership questions.


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